Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Back to convention: Five Roulette Etiquettes Players Should Be Practicing

Good manners are like silent rules of decency at almost everything. Just like social gatherings, corporate meetings, email writing, and many more, playing at a land-based casino requires  some courtesy. But casino etiquettes don’t apply to all of the games; what’s socially acceptable at craps can be obnoxious in baccarat, slot, or poker.

In roulette, there are also etiquettes that should be observed. Some of them include:

1.    Knowing the game. From how it is being played to the betting rules, one is expected to know how to play this game before sitting at the roulette table.
2.    Social Propriety. Roulette players always have to remember that there are other people around the table. Wearing the appropriate clothes inside a casino is important. While it is normal for roulette players to get overly excited, they are still encouraged to refrain from screaming and other inappropriate behaviors that may disturb other players.
3.    Not mixing chips. Players are given specific color of chips to use when playing roulette (regardless if they’re playing with their friends or family members) so that their bets will not get mixed up. Roulette chips are also different from the official casino chips; they are worthless outside the roulette table. It is imperative that players should know their colors and the right time to cash their chips.
4.    Listening to and not arguing with the dealer. The dealers control the game and players should always pay attention to them. Once the dealer called “no more bets”, no one is allowed to change or even touch their bets. Arguing with the dealer creates commotion could be annoying to other players.
5.    Tipping the dealer. Players should know when to tip and not to tip the dealers. There are casinos that allow tipping the dealers and there are some that don’t.

online roulette

These are just some of the etiquettes roulette players should know when playing at land-based casinos. Playing the game at online casinos like 12BET, however, will largely make a difference. Online roulettes provide an environment that is less stiff for customers. This is because online casinos are less rigid in their behavior codes. Their very nature allows players to act in the most comfortable ways they want. As long as they meet standard criteria and follow basic instructions, they are good to practice their liberty.