Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Online Roulette VS. Live Roulette: Can You Tell The Difference?

Online roulette is always confused as live roulette when in fact, the two of them are entirely different. If you want to take advantage of the best online roulette, you must learn their difference first.

When you speak of online roulette, this means you are going against a machine. This is in stark contrast to its live version.

In live roulette, you are playing with real players. Moreover, a real dealer facilitates the game. This is not the case of online roulette. As for the latter, apart from not having real dealers, the outcome is determined by random number generators.

Nevertheless, whether it is online or live roulette, as long as it is played in 12BET Casino, you are guaranteed to have tons of fun, excitement and of course, big bonuses. Leave a footpr1nt via securing big wins.

Play in 12BET Casino today!